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Supervisor/Mentor Resources

Successfully Closing a SIP's Position

Your Stewards Program Coordinator will send you an email prompt with close out tasks to complete before your SIP departs their position. Please prioritize completion of these items when you receive the prompt.


Additionally, your SIP will receive a separate email list of items that need to be completed in order for Stewards to close out their position and prompt AmeriCorps to process their Education Award. Please work with your SIP to ensure they are working through their exiting tasks.

Exiting Tasks

The following steps all must be complete in order for the successful exit your intern:

For more information regarding these tasks please visit the Member Exiting Info webpage.


Supervisor tasks

  • Timesheets submitted and approved

  • Final member evaluation 

  • Final program/partner evaluation

More details below!

Member tasks

  • Timesheets submitted and approved

  • Final report & project examples

  • AmeriCorps Exit Form

  • Exit Survey

  • Monthly Accomplishments



All timesheets must be entered and approved by the SIP's final day. Please be cognizant of their total AmeriCorps hours relative to the minimum required for their position. 


Final Member Evaluation

This evaluation is one of the many tools for monitoring the progress of each Intern. Evaluations should be a profile of the intern's experience that documents their highs, lows, triumphs, and struggles. Your meeting with them is a professional performance evaluation and should be completed in person (or virtual if needed) on or before their last day.


Partner/Supervisor Evaluation

You will automatically receive an email from the Conservation Legacy Community Portal with a link to complete the final program evaluation 7 days prior to your member's exit date. By completing this form, you are providing invaluable feedback to the organization and directly influencing Stewards' ability to communicating your SIP's project work to AmeriCorps.

If you do not complete this short evaluation, Stewards will be unable to count the SIP's project accomplishments in their annual reporting measurements.

Confetti Transparent


After all of the above tasks are completed in conjunction with the task list provided to the SIP, Stewards can close out their term and, most importantly, you and your team can pat yourselves on the back!

Thank you for all your hard work in supporting a SIP!

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